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Factors Affecting Garage Door Spring Lifespan

Garage Door Spring Lifespan

Garage door springs play a vital role in the smooth functioning of our garage doors. It enables us to conveniently access our vehicles and belongings. However, these small components bear a significant responsibility. They counterbalance the weight of the garage door and ensure it opens and closes with ease. As a homeowner, understanding the factors that influence the lifespan of garage door springs is crucial. It helps to prevent inconvenient situations such as garage door spring replacement. In this blog post, we will explore the key factors that impact the longevity of garage door springs.

Cycle life rating

The cycle life rating of a garage door spring is the number of times the spring can be used before it wears out. The average garage door spring has a cycle life rating of 10,000 cycles. This means that if you open and close your garage door 10 times a day, the springs will last about 10 years.

Frequency of use

The more you use your garage door, the faster the springs will wear out. If you open and close your garage door more than 10 times a day, you may need to replace the springs sooner than 10 years.

Quality of springs

The quality of the springs also affects their lifespan. High-quality springs are made from stronger materials and are more resistant to wear and tear. Low-quality springs will wear out more quickly. By using high-quality springs, you can avoid potential problems, such as the occurrence of broken garage door springs.

Climate and weather conditions

Garage door springs are exposed to the elements, and this can shorten their lifespan. If you live in a cold climate, the springs are more likely to rust and break. If you live in a humid climate, the springs are more likely to corrode. Extreme weather can speed up wear and lead to the occurrence of broken garage door springs.

Maintenance and lubrication

Regular maintenance and lubrication can help to extend the lifespan of garage door springs. Make sure to inspect the springs for signs of wear and tear every few months. Apply a light coat of lubricant to the springs at least once a year.

Improper spring tension

If the springs are not properly tensioned, they will wear out more quickly. It is important to have a qualified professional check the spring tension every few years. Improper spring tension can also be a safety hazard. If the springs are too tight, they can break, which could send the garage door crashing down. If the springs are too loose, they may not be able to hold the weight of the garage door, which could also cause the door to fall. To prevent improper spring tension, it is important to have a qualified professional install your garage door springs and check them regularly.

DIY repairs gone wrong

If you attempt to repair your garage door springs yourself, you could make the problem worse. If you do not have the proper tools or experience, you may not be able to repair the springs correctly. This could lead to the springs breaking again in the future. If you notice that your garage door springs are not working properly, it is important to call a qualified professional to repair them. Do not attempt to repair the springs yourself, as it could be dangerous, could void your warranty, and could be ineffective.


Garage door springs are the unsung heroes that help the smooth operation of our garage doors. Understanding the factors that influence their lifespan can save us from unexpected situations which can lead to garage door spring replacement. By investing in high-quality springs, we can ensure the longevity and reliable performance of our garage door springs. Remember, safety always comes first, so take professional help when dealing with garage door springs.

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